Prof. Dr. Nicolas Meseth


University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück

Oldenburger Landstraße 62

49090 Osnabrück

Since 2016, I am a professor for information systems (German: Wirtschaftsinformatik) at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. Within our university, I work at the faculty for Agricultural Sciences and Landscape Architecture in the beautiful city district of Osnabrück called Haste.

Because I am the only professor with a dedicated focus on topics of digitalization at our faculty, the topics I cover in teaching are broad. In the mandatory introductory course (2nd semester), I introduce the fundamentals of digital computers and digitalization. In subsequent optional courses, students can learn about information management, data analytics, web engineering, and the impacts of current digital technologies and how to build solutions with them. In our graduate program, I teach courses on big data analytics and e-commerce.

I live in Osnabrück, am happily married and have two wonderful children.